I am a mixed breed of a variety of dogs, what some people might call "Heinz-57"! I was born somewhere on the streets of Rota Spain in 1998.
My last 2 original owners were named Maria & Sean, but I only lived with them for about 3 months. Life wasn't too good for me back then.....
My diet was mostly left-over pizza & other junk food, and my home was a little cramped apartment with nowhere to run!
But everything changed one evening while I was waiting for my owners in the California bar.......
A beautiful red-haired woman walked in the door and I immediately fell in love with her. I ran over and made friends with her and found out that she was from Norway and her name was Kari.
Three months later I adopted Kari as my mom, and I moved to Chipiona Spain (about 15 km away).
And that is where my story begins...............