Hi ! Welcome to my webpage!
My name is Queenie, and as you saw on the home page, I am a dog!
I am a mixed breed of a variety of dogs, what some people might call "Heinz-57"! I was born somewhere on the streets of Rota Spain in 1998. My last 2 original owners were named Maria & Sean, but I only lived with them for about 3 months. Life wasn't too good for me back then..... My diet was mostly left-over pizza & other junk food, and my home was a little cramped apartment with nowhere to run!
But everything changed one evening while I was waiting for my owners in the California bar.......
A beautiful red-haired woman walked in the door and I immediately fell in love with her. I ran over and made friends with her and found out that she was from Norway and her name was Kari.
Three months later I adopted Kari as my mom, and I moved to Chipiona Spain (about 15 km away).
I lived for 10 years with Kari, including the last 2 years with her husband Ray whom she married in March of 2006. You can read all about that and more in the archives.
But, every good thing in life comes to an end one day. Nobody lives forever.
Queenie was put to sleep by the veterinarian at 15:00 on the 6th of February 2008. She had been operated on 2 times before for tumors, but they came back again; and with her heart condition it would not be possible to operate on her again. She had lost a lot of weight this last month, and was constantly fighting with Chanty . She wanted to be the boss til the very end.
We send her our best thoughts and thanks for all the wonderful memories she has given to us and everyone else she ever came in contact with.