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We have finally arrived in Florida and rented a townhouse until mom and dad can find the one they would like to buy.

We had a long trip from Halden to West Palm Beach. First two taxi trips from our house to the train station, then a train from Halden to Oslo, and also a train from Oslo to Gardermoen airport. There we got out of our boxes into the snow for peeing and pooping before we had to go back in our boxes. I am so glad we all had a very cozy box with food and water. It was almost 13 hours later we finally could come out of the boxes again. That was in Newark, New Jersey across the river from New York. We were so happy to see our mom and dad again and there was no more snow on the ground.

From there we went in a big car to Washington and spent the first night with a beautiful young girl name Mariah, a friend of Anuska. Finally we could relax before going on the road again. The next night we spent in a motel we think was in the state of Georgia. In America they must like dogs because there were no problems having 3 dogs in a motel room. Lucky for us.

The 3rd day we finally got to Anuska and Pats house and we were all very happy except Roman, Pats big and grumpy cat. He had to stay in one room and we had the rest of the house.

Tio fell in love with that Roman, and was crying to visit him all day. Sometimes he could go in and get a friendly paw on his nose, but only a couple of minutes each time.

Well - we lived there for one month before we moved to a bigger house, and Roman is living upstairs now and we dogs downstairs. Roman didn't see us one time and went downstairs into the living room. There he was so scared when we saw him so he was traumatized for life. He will not even say hello to us dogs anymore. He could if he wants to because they put up a gate in front of the stairs.

We also fell in love with both Pat and Anuska. We really like it when Anuska lets us curl up next to her on the recliner chair while she tries to study or use her laptop computer. She says we don't let her study enough, but we know better!! Pat says hello every morning to us and lets us lick her, but sometimes she uses a very scarey voice with us when we don't listen too well!

We have to stay downstairs all night by ourselves, but we usually wake at least mom or dad up at about 7:30 every morning when we hear the newspaper being delivered outside. Roman is lucky that he can sleep in one of those beds upstairs, but we don't have it too bad, we have a big sofa and 2 recliners to choose from.

Dad took a lot of pictures of this new home we have, so we hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we love living there.

This is the last entry for 2009, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR !!!
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(Click HERE to see slideshow)
Bordeaux 28.10.2009 In the morning of 3 November 2009 we are leaving Norway and moving to warmer climates in West Palm Beach, Florida. The next time we publish news will be from there !!

*****Thank you*****
Bordeaux 20.09.2009 Our GuestBook has just been repaired, so if you haven't already signed it, Please do so by clicking the link at the top of this page or in the left hand navigation panel.

*****Thank you*****
Chanty 20.09.2009
We recently received some pictures of 3 of my puppies from their new homes, Annie at 18 weeks, Shakira/Stella at 1 year and Anu/Tia at 1 year.
Click on each picture to see photos of each one.
Annie thumb
Annie - 18 weeks
Shakira thumb
Shakira/Stella - 1 year
Anu thumb
Anu/Tia - 1 year
Chanty 11.09.2009
Yesterday Dad was invited to go fishing with his neighbor Tore on a small boat near Strømstad, Sweden.
The weather was beautiful, and they even caught 6 nice size Mackerel - Dad's 1st time catching anything in the sea of Norway/Sweden !
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(Click HERE to see slideshow)
Chanty 08.09.2009
Recently there was a new family member added to the Tømte family; Mona's eldest son Tom Rune was married to his sweetheart Paulina.
Tom and Paulina thumb
(Click HERE to see bigger picture)
Chanty 08.09.2009
I am finally able to publish all of the pictures and movies from our last trip in the camper. Almost 900 photos and 8 movies total.

Now we hope that Yvonne and Harald will have many fine trips with their new camper which they bought from us.
2009 trip thumb
(Click HERE to see all )
Chanty 10.08.2009
We recently received some pictures of 2 of my puppies from their new homes, Happy at 14 weeks, and Junior at 12 weeks.
Click on each picture to see photos of each one.
Lille Maya thumb
Happy - 14 wks
Junior thumb
Junior - 12 wks
Chanty 30.07.2009
I guess I'm not the only animal to surprisingly have babies in this house! Congradulations to Bonnie & Clyde (1 baby lovebird), and to Buddy & Betty (3 baby lovebirds)!

They were born between 2 and 10 days before we arrived home because they are all different sizes!!
lovebird Clyde smokingslideshow thumblovebird Buddy smoking
(Click HERE for slideshow )
Bordeaux 21.07.2009
Maja & Julie Extreme MakeOver
(Click HERE for more pictures )
Tio 16.07.2009 Now dad says I am just like an old golfer ... looking for my lost balls. !! They took my nuts today,  just like they did to Bordeaux last year!!!
BUT they didn´t take our personalities !!!
Bordeaux 08.07.2009
Chanty`s Extreme MakeOver
chanty before
Chanty after

(Click HERE for more pictures )
TioSmoke 28.06.2009
Playing & Feeding at Ida´s Cabin
24 different videos
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See the Videos HERE

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TioSmoke 24.06.2009
Big Dog vs Small Dog:
Bordeaux and Maja
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See the Video HERE

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Chanty 23.06.2009
The puppies last pictures before moving to their new homes.
Junior thumb Happy thumb
Junior    -   Happy
Misty thumb Annie thumb
Misty    -    Annie

Click HERE to see more pictures of each puppy.
TioSmoke 18.06.2009
New pictures of the puppies
7 weeks old
puppypuppy thumb
puppy thumbpuppy thumb
(Click HERE for slideshow )

Also, Click HERE to see changes to the family tree.
TioSmoke 18.06.2009
Old News - Forgot to update::
" Dogs meet Swamp Creature"
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See the Video HERE

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Bordeaux 17.06.2009
Bordeaux´s Swimming Pool !!!
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See the Video HERE

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Bordeaux 10.06.09
Update to Chanty's family tree....
The puppies are 6 weeks old.
family tree thumb
(Click HERE for bigger picture )
Bordeaux 09.06.2009
Tio´s professional hair style in Rota. He got a nice summer cut.
Tios new haircut
(Click HERE for more photos)
Bordeaux 08.06.2009
Julie´s return to Chipiona beach after 7 years in Norway, and Maya´s 1st time near the place where her mom julie was born.
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(Click HERE for more photos)
Bordeaux 05.06.2009
A day at the beach in Rota, Spain
The 1st time for Maya !!
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(Click HERE for slideshow )
TioSmoke 03.06.2009
New pictures of the puppies
4th & 5th weeks
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(Click HERE for slideshow )

Also, Click HERE to see changes to the family tree.
Bordeaux 30.05.2009
"ITALICA" Roman ruins near Seville, Spain
(Click HERE for slideshow )
TioSmoke 25.05.2009
Traveling to Rota, Spain with 4 dogs...
Aren´t we comfortable !!
dogs in camperBordeaux in camper
(Click HERE for slideshow )
Bordeaux 16.05.2009
A walk in the forest with Bordeaux
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(Click HERE for slideshow )
TioSmoke 22.05.2009
New pictures of the puppies
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(Click HERE for slideshow )
Bordeaux 20.05.09
Update to Chanty's family tree....
family tree thumb
(Click HERE for bigger picture )
TioSmoke 19.05.2009
Chanel-Chantilla has sent new pictures.
(Click HERE for more pictures )
BuddySpk 17.05.2009
Congratulations to Alexander Rybak
winner of Eurovision 2009 Song Contest
1. Norway ---------------- 387 points
2. Iceland --------------- 218 points
3. Azerbaijan ----------- 207 points
Norwegian flagRybak Norwegian flag
(Click HERE
to see him ! )
Chanty 14.05.2009
All the puppies have opened their eyes now !!
Annie Junior
Annie    -   Junior
Lille Maya Pipa
lille-Maya/Happy    -    Pipa/Misty          

Click HERE to see more pictures of each puppy.
Chanty 06.05.2009 See where the puppies from all 3 litters have gone or will be going to:
First Litter:
Rochelle ...Kristiansand
Cognac/Chanto ...Halden
Paris/Happy ...Oslo
Bordeaux ...Halden
Second Litter:
Shakira/Stella ...Førde
Tia/Lucky ...Sarpsborg
Chantilla/Chanelle ...Hof
Anu/Tia ...Elverum
Pepi/Alba ...Oslo
Bobbie/Jenny ...Drammen
Third Litter:
Annie ...Hommelvik
Pipa/Misty ...Bergen
lille-Maya/Happy ...Frei
Junior ...Oslo
puppy map
(Click HERE for bigger picture )
BuddySpk 06.05.2009
Not all lovebirds dance like this !!
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(Click HERE
to see the dance ! )
Chanty 05.05.2009
The 7th day in the puppies life... Eating, sleeping and getting fat!
Annie 394 gr.
Junior 320 gr.
Lille-Maya 340 gr.
Pipa 340 gr.
puppies at 7 days thumb
(Click HERE for more pictures )
Bordeaux 03.05.09
Update to Chanty's family tree....
family tree thumb
(Click HERE for bigger picture )
TioSmoke 02.05.09
Bordeaux's first meeting with the puppies. He used the opportunity when mom had to go out. He checked every puppy from nose to tale.
(Click HERE for bigger picture )
TioSmoke 29.04.2009 Wednesday Morning Shock !!!

This morning we woke up at about 8 a.m. as usual. As always, the dogs were all waiting impatiently at the bedroom door for us to get up. All the dogs except Chanty! We looked in the livingroom to check on her, and surprise, surprise... she was lying on the sofa nursing her 4 newborn puppies! She had been looking fatter lately, and not very energetic, but we had thought that she was just eating too much and being lazy because of it. The last time she had her period we didn't let her mate with Tio, and even had her stay at our friend Ida's house until her time was over (or so we thought !).

But it seems that they must have mated without us knowing after we brought her home, about 21 days since the start of her time.

Be aware to those of you who have a female puppy from Chanty... they can be very productive and have long periods.

So here we sit with 4 newborns, 1 boy and 3 girls; wondering what we should do with our trip to Spain scheduled to start about the 15th of May.
Well, well we have to look at this in a positive way even though this should have been the period Chanty needed to rest between pregnancies.
The world is full of beautiful surprises!
Chantys 3rd litter thumb
(Click HERE for larger picture )
TioSmoke 13.04.2009
Lucky-Tia has sent a new picture.
(Click HERE for larger picture )
Bordeaux 11.04.2009
Spring has arrived !!!
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See Video HERE

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Chanty 10.04.2009
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Alba/Pepi's first camping trip. She loved it!!!!!!!!!!! Mom & Dad found us a place where we could run as much as we wanted. Dad Tio wanted to stay out the whole day watching out for any dangers. We also had a fence where we could stay close to the camper for just a pee. What a lovely place for small dogs like us.

Check out the NEW SLIDESHOW & MOVIES in Travels 2009.
BuddySpk 09.04.2009
No baby birds from Bonny's 2 eggs. One was empty and one had a dead fetus in it. But today we found 3 eggs in nest 3, that means Betty has started. So we have to wait till mid May to see if we are getting some there.
bird crying                birds eggs
Bonnie crying              Betty's eggs

(Click HERE
for bigger picture )
Chanty 01.04.2009
Chanel/Chantilla came to visit her mom and dad while her sister Pepi/Alba was here with us. She is looking just like her mom. Same fur, same color and same behavior. It was so nice to see the sisters playing around. Chanty was a little bit grumpy when she saw her girls again - but after a while - she loved them. We have seen that with Alba/Pepi since she has been here 2-3 weeks because of sickness in the family.
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
TioSpeak 13.03.2009
Bonnie & Clyde are going to be parents, but let's not count our lovebirds before they hatch !!
bird smokingbirds eggsbirds eggs
(Click HERE for bigger pictures )
TioSpeak 10.03.2009
Those who are sleeping can do no wrong !!
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
TioSpeak 09.03.2009
The past week we were visited by Alba from Oslo and Twiggi from Moss. They had a good time with Tio and Bordeaux.

Alba              Twiggi & Alba          Twiggi
AlbaTwiggy and AlbaTwiggy
(Click HERE for more pictures )

BuddySpk 06.03.2009
It looks like Betty already has 2 new lovers !!
(Click HERE
for bigger picture )
Bordeaux 06.03.2009
Yesterday our 2 newest lovebirds arrived which we named Buddy and Betty.
Buddy and Betty
(Click HERE
for bigger picture )
TioSpeak 23.02.2009
The puppies have been sending more photos from their new homes - Don't they look cute !
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
Bordeaux 22.02.2009
Lots of snow on the ground, but Tio tried to pick all of it up with his feet!
Real Snow Shoes !!
Tio in snow Tio in snow
(Click HERE
for bigger pictures )
Chanty 12.02.2009
After a nice snowfall, we decided to go play in the forest by the mushroom place
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
Tio Speak 08.02.2009
Mom decided it was time for me to get a new haircut ... it took 3 days to finish !!
Tio Tio
Tio Tio
(Click HERE
for bigger pictures )
Bordeaux 17.01.2009
My sister Paris had her name changed to Happy, and just sent me some recent pictures. Do you think we look alike ??
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
TioSpeak 17.01.2009
The puppies have been sending photos from their new homes - Don't they look cute !
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(Click HERE for more pictures )
Buddy 16.01.2009
We have 4 lovebirds now and a new cage.
(Click HERE for more pictures )
Chanty 03.01.2009
My friend Maja, daughter of Julie, gave birth to 3 females today.... Tia, Stella & Lucy.
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(Click HERE for more pictures )