What my previous name was - I don´t remember. One day I ran away to find me a girl, but didn´t find my way back home. Nobody had thought about giving me a microchip so the police could drive me home - so instead they took me to a kennel in Rota where I was going to wait together with other dogs for our owners. I heard the people saying that if they did not come within 10 days to pick me up - they WOULD KILL ME!!!
Shit - the others in the cage were not very optimistic to be found because the place and location was not very well known. So we sat there barking together. Some crying and some howling.
The day after I arrived - two strangers came in to look at us and because I am so cute, they picked me out. Squeezed my nuts and looked at my teeth. Why this? Later they introduced me to two new dogs. The girl I liked very good. Just what I had in mind when I ran away from home. But - she had her son with her and he wanted to take charge over me. Hmmm....I better sit still and ignore him.
The people I liked very much too and I was so happy they got me out of the cage. But after a while I was put back in with the others - and my life was not that good any more.
Luckily they came back the next day and I was able to meet my girl again. She was a little testy, but that will change when we are coming to the right time of the year.
That day I was not feeling so well. My stomach was hurting and was a little set back, but I played a little with them anyway. One more boy was taken out, but he turned out to be seriuosly ill and taken back very quick. The people started talking a lot and soon after they left. Did they not want me afterall?
8 days after I came to the Kennel, I became even more sick. No food or water stayed down. Everything came back up. I was fearing for my life.
The people adopted me! And instead of waiting the 10 days, my new mom and dad came over and picked me up so they could take me to the vet. There I got a microchip for the first time in my life and a shot. Could I make it? Was I going to be well again? I had a lot of questions.
The next day I got worse. Also my step-son was sick with diarreah and mom and dad took us to the vet again. There they gave us 3 shots each - one of them hurt a lot because they gave it in the muscle in my leg. I - who almost didn´t have any fat on my bones left. Then we were not allowed to drink or eat for the next 8 hours. After those hours we had to go back to the vet and got 2 more shots! . I was starting to feel a little better now and also wanted badly something to drink. I was happy to get an egg-cup with water that night. The next morning we got a little more water before they took us back to the vet and 3 more shots for each of us. When we came home that day mom made us some boiled rice mixed with some canned food we got from the vet. But we only got a tiny bit - several times that day. And we were alowed to drink as much as we wanted afterwards.
My health became better very quick after that. I stopped throwing up food and water and I could feel the strength coming back in the body. These people were so kind to me (even after 9 shots and a big one loaded with the microship)
Here is the data from my new passport I got now: (guess how proud I am about that)
I am a Bichon Havanaise, you can read more about us here: http://www.dogbreedcenter.com/havanese-dog.htm Born about 17.03.2007 (according to the vet) My name is now Tio Pepe but Tio for short. My weight was 4.5 kg on the vet´s scale Adopted 2. May 2008
So now I am living happy days together with mom, dad, Chanty and Bordeaux here in Rota. I am allowed to cuddle in the bed in the morning, be indoor all day if I like to and have a lot of love. They also takes me out several times a day for long trips so I can be healthy and fast as Chanty and Bordeaux.
I can play without the leash at the beach already and read telegrams as long as I want to. Is it strange that I love them all?
I want to stay with mom and dad forever and protect them the best I can. I have heard that we are going on a long trip, almost up to the Northpole where there is snow in the wintertime and and a lot of nice woods to run in. I am looking forward to that.