

Hi, my name is Chanty and I am a popular mixture of breeds called Bichon Yorkie. Itīs no wonder that everyone thinks I am so beautiful. Mom & Dad fell in love with me the first time they saw me too. It was in the veterinary office in el Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain.

But let me start at the beginning. I lived in a house somewhere in el Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain. One day they forgot to close the door and I went running out. I had my period and my sexual drive made me find a lover. Unfortunately there was very much traffic in the streets in this city and I nearly got run over. That was when two women found me and picked me up. They took me home with them and all of their cats to see if I had a name of my real owner. When they found nothing on my collar they took me for a long walk to see if I recognized my home, but none of the places were recognizable. So they took me to the veterinary office to see if I had a microchip. But no, I didnīt have that either! So they sat there in the waiting room wondering what they should do with me.

Two nice people came in. I liked them immediately because they looked so nice. They were just there to ask if their dog was finished with the doctor. While they sat there talking, the woman who had me on her lap said that they could have me because she couldnīt find my home and she only had cats.

It only took 2 seconds for them to say yes. That is how I came to be with Mom & Dad. So I was checked all over and the veterinarian said that I had bacteria in my blood discharge ( I was having my period, remember) so I must get some antibiotics. They took tests which showed many dark spots or something. Well, I believed it was something else.

Queenie finally came out and we got along very well together. Especially because I was having my period.

I was happy to go home with mom & dad instead of running amongst the cars. They called me Chanty and loved me from the first moment. I had a good time and walked nicely and obedient when they exercised me. Mom was a little surprised that my period ended so suddenly. The period used to last a lot longer, but it was great to be able to run loose again. After that Queenie & I were able to take all our walks together. Talk about having fun...

About 1 month later I began to feel a little strange. I didnīt feel like lying on momīs lap anymore, but laid by myself. And then I got very hungry. I ate all the time! It was then that Mom began to have suspicions that there was something growing inside of me. They took me to the veterinarian again and said that they thought I was pregnant.The vet said that was not possible, but mom insisted and they took an ultrasound of me to calm down mom. It was a big surprise when she saw 3 - 4 small puppies in my belly! Mom was right! So the bacteria was probably sperm instead I thought.

Mom and Dad prepared very well for the birth of my puppies and they didnīt know the exact time to expect when the birth would start. They also had to be prepared for the possibility of the birth happening on the road when we drove to Norway.

Even though I was gaining weight every day, I was feeling fine. I had a very nice place to stretch out when we started the long journey in the car. After 3-4 days I became a little sick one night when we were in France. I lost my appetite and didnīt feel like taking a walk with Queenie and the others as usual. I just wanted to be by myself instead. We stayed that night in a hotel in La Rochelle and early the next morning I felt that I had to go out to pee.

Mom accompanied me outside and there I broke my water. Mom didnīt see that, but we went in and Mom sat by her computer after we got back to our room. It was then that the first puppy came! Mom heard it and picked me and the puppy up and put us in the bed she had made especially for this occassion. She woke up Dad, Anuska and Queenie so that they all could watch the birth of my babies. Everything went very well. Mom had to help me cut the umbilical cord of two of the puppies, but the other two I was able to do myself. It was so wonderful and I was now the proud mother of 4 beautiful pups, 2 girls and 2 boys. Anuska, Mom and Dad gave them names after the area in France where we were; Cognac, Bordeaux, Paris and Rochelle. You can read about Bordeaux on another web page because he stayed in our family after the other 3 pups of mine were sold to good homes.

The smallest, Cognac was very little when born and had a hard time getting milk with the other 3 pushing him out of the way. One day after we got home to Norway, I lifted him out of the box they were all in and took him aside to give him milk all by himself. Mom saw that and later helped me by lifting him out when they were feeding again. After 2 months he became the biggest of all 4 and Bordeaux the smallest.