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Chanty Speaking June 2011
Morten has already left to return to Norway, but we are still seeing different sights here in Florida. This time to a wildlife sanctuary. It is something like a zoo, but the care of the animals and grounds are so much better and more personalized than any zoo. The animals are still kept in cages, but not the same way as in a zoo, and the cleanliness is noted right away because you don't have the overwhelming smells that you experience when you go into the typical zoo.

We were also very luck in that there had been a recent birth of a tiger, and we were allowed the opportunity to actually play with it as it was not caged. Dad even fed it from a bottle of milk, and Mom & Anuska had it crawling all over them.

We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did...
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Tio Speaking March 2011
Morten came to visit us again early in 2011, and this time we all [ Mom (Kari), Anuska, Morten & Dad(Ray) ] went on a cruise around the Bahamas for 5 days. We visited in order:.... Nassau, Half Moon Cay (an island owned by Carnival Cruise lines), and lastly Grand Turk island. The weather was beautiful for the entire trip, and everyone had a great time.

For your enjoyment, I have made up a separate slide show for each day of the cruise, and a map of the overall cruise to start things off. Revisit every place we did and enjoy the sights!

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(SlideShow Day 1)

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(SlideShow Day 2)

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(SlideShow Day 3)

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(SlideShow Day 4)

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(SlideShow Day 5)

Bordeaux Speaking November.2010
During November and Morten's first trip, we also made a 2 day trip down to Key West Florida. The trip was very long, but picturesque and well worth the time and effort.

While there, besides enjoying the beautiful vistas, we also sampled some fantastic foods, and visited some very nice tourist attractions. Among them was the Hemingway house where the famous author Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote for over 10 years. The grounds of his estate are beautiful, and also home to the descendents of his cats. There are now over 60 different 6-toed cats living there and there is a quaint cat cementery where all of his cats who died are buried. Each cat has a unique name, usuaally the same as some famous actor, actress, singer or just a famous movie character.

We also visited the Key West butterfly sanctuary which houses over 60 different butterfly species from around thge world in a climate controlled glass sanctuary, and over 2 exotic birds. You can roam around the sanctuary while butterflies flutter all around you. It is said that it is good luck if one actually lands on you, and that happened twice to Dad while we were there!

Because this trip had so much to see including the southernmost point in the continental USA, and so many pictures, we have broken the trip up into 3 separate slide shows.

Click on each of the thumbnail pics below to revisit Key West as we saw it.
We hope you enjoy the shows

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(Main Trip pictures)

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(Hemingway's House)

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(Butterfly Sanctuary)

Chanty Speaking November.2010
This is another trip we took during Morten's first visit in 2010. This was to the Lion Country Safari. After going through some very impressive gates and walls, we were able to drive among all of the wild life they have there. The only thing separating us from most of the animals was our car windows! The lions however were kept in a fenced in area because of some incident in the past when some dumb tourist stopped and opened his window near the lions and almost got mauled!

We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did...
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Tio Speaking November 2010
Here are 2 more slide shows from Morten's first visit and our trip to Orlando. These 2 cover a day in Disney's Animal Kingdom, and also a day at Seaworld.

We haven't finished making the comments for the Seaworld trip, but at least you can enjoy the pictures.
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Tio Speaking November 2010
Well, we have finally finished another very long slideshow. This covers part of Morten's first visit to Florida when we all went to Orlando, Florida to see Disney World. The slideshow has over 300 pictures, but I have made it possible to view it in 2 parts. I hope you enjoy the show....
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(SlideShow_PART 1)

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(SlideShow_PART 2)

Bordeaux Speaking 10 Dec 2010
Congratulations to
After years of hard work both here in Florida and prior work in New York, Anuska finally graduated Summa Cum Laude majoring in Chemistry.
Well Done !
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Other links to see...

Graduation Ceremony Movie

Graduation Card
Chanty Speaking August.2010
Mors datter Gry og hennes mann Zed kom på visit helt fra Melbourne Australia og ble hos oss i ca 10 dager. De kom til Miami samme dag som vi fikk flyttelasset og taket i kjøkkenet "falt ned" . Heldigvis hadde bestemt seg for å overnatte på hotell i Miami, slik at vi kunne hente dem morgenen etter. Vi hadde det kjempekoselig sammen , gøy på stranda, visitt til Everglades (alligatorene) til Fort Lauderdale hvor Zed hadde vært hos tanten og onkelen sin - og rundtur på stranda i Miami (les barene)
Se slideshowet under......
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Chanty Speaking August.2010
Vi kjøpte huset vårt med en kjempeflott have i July 2010, og flyttet inn 5. august samme år. Mor, far, Pat og Anuska har gjort mye arbeid med å male, vaske og legge fliser før vi flyttet inn. Dagen møblene kom, fikk vi en skikkelig lekkasje fra taket i kjøkkenet. Det viste seg å komme fra Airconditionen som lå på loftet. Et par måneder senere fikk vi samme problem på soverommet vårt.

Så gjennom 2010 og 2011 har vi lagt inn komplett ny aircondition, satt inn nye hurricane sikre vinduer og glassdører i hele huset. Nye sikringsskap, 2 bad flislagt av mor og far. Far kutter fliser og mor legger dem.

Fjernet gamle planter og trær - og plantet nye både frukttrær og en palme..

Vi kjenner nå huset ut og inn - elsker det!
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Roman Speaking
Vel - vi er halvt igjennnom 2011 alt og ikke noe er skrevet siden Januar forrige år. Skam oss. Det er ikke det at vi ikke har hatt noe å snakke om, men vi har vært veldig travelt opptatt - og lite tid til oppdatering av web side.
Derfor gjør vi nå vårt beste for å oppdatere alle viktige hendelser det siste 1,5 året. Ikke alt kommer i kronologisk orden, men det tåler dere.
Chanty, Bordeaux, Tio, og Roman.